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Service Times

Sunday School - All ages - 9:45-10:45am | Sunday Service - 11am

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Come as you are! Light On The Hill has a casual dress code and radical grace atmosphere where everyone is accepted, no matter what they have done or where they have been. Our Sunday service last about an hour and a half and includes worship through singing and Bible-based teaching. Your kids have fun, age-appropriate services too. If you’d like to learn more about us or plan a visit, just let us know and we’d love to meet you!

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Your kids are important to us, just as they are to you. For us, safety comes first, but fun and learning begin right behind that. You can be sure that your child is getting not only superior care and attention but age-appropriate teaching as well. We also offer exciting Sunday night programming – Awana. Awana is a Christian club for children. We have various age groups for children from 3 years old through 6th grade. Children love Awana, and we love children.

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Community Focused

Light on the Hill is passionate about our community. We believe in generosity and showing Christ’s love every way we can. We have hosted a food pantry every week for the past 25 years. We also minister to our neighbors in the local County Jail.
